Phone: 409-838-9094

Address: 665 Orleans St., Beaumont, TX 77701

Title IV School Code: 043029

“Welcome to our buzzing hub of barbering brilliance! At Barbers Trade School, we’re not just a school; we’re a grooming ground for the next generation of trendsetting barbers. Step into our world of shears and style, where creativity thrives and careers flourish. Discover how we blend classic techniques with cutting-edge trends, sculpting not just hair, but futures. Join us as we redefine the art of grooming, one student at a time. Your journey to barbering greatness starts here!”




Barbers Trade School is where education leads to mastery. With excellence, we strive to create professionals who care, serve and produce.

“Education to us is the illumination of information put into practice.”

-Jerrolyn Williams

“The Institution was established with the intention of prospering individuals on their journey to becoming professionals. With these intentions as our guide, we prosper families, therefore building prosperous communities.”

-Jerrolyn Williams